Why the bank obliges me to take the Insurance with them?

Why the bank obliges me to take the Insurance with them - c1 broker - insurance broker in spain

When applying for a mortgage in Portugal, it is important to be aware of the mandatory insurance requirements that accompany it. Both home insurance and life insurance may be requested by the bank, but it is crucial to note that customers are not obligated to obtain these insurance policies through the bank. Instead, they have the freedom to hire independent insurance providers as long as the bank is listed as a beneficiary for the value of the loan in the contract.


The bad practice of banks obliging clients to keep their insurance policies with them is a serious issue that has caught the attention of regulatory bodies such as ASF (Autoridade de Supervisão de Seguros e Fundos de Pensões in Portugal) , EIOPA (European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority)  and the Central Bank. These organizations have been closely monitoring the situation and have not been afraid to levy fines on banks that engage in this unethical practice.

It is unfortunate that some bank corporations continue to put their profits ahead of the best interests of their clients. However, the swift action taken by regulatory bodies serves as a stark warning that such behaviour will not be tolerated.


Unfortunately, bad practices when it comes to renewing insurance policies are all too common.

The client requests cancellation of their home or life insurance contract from their bank upon renewal. This is where the problems start. The bank, in an attempt to avoid the one-month period that the client must give before terminating the policy, will delay their response for as long as possible.


Then when they answer, instead of assisting their clients, banks often respond by stating that it is simply not possible. They argue that the insurances are linked to the mortgage contract and must therefore be held with the bank.

This behavior is deeply concerning and highlights the need for greater regulation and accountability within the banking industry. It is critical that we demand transparency and fair treatment for bank customers, to ensure they are not exploited or taken advantage of by these financial institutions.


When it comes to cancelling their home or life insurance, clients face resistance from their banks. In fact, some banks may even go as far as threatening their clients, telling them that if they cancel their insurance, their interest rates will go up.

This, coupled with the fact that the only reason the clients got a lower interest rate in the first place was because they agreed to keep the insurance with the bank for the whole term of the mortgage, can make it a complex situation.


The financial industry is built on trust and transparency in dealing with clients and their hard-earned money. However, the issue of linked sales persists as banks are not allowed to sell linked products with mortgages including insurances.


Many bank fail to mention the long-term cost implications of bundling insurance with the loan. While the interest rates may seem competitive, the added insurance and associated fees may make the overall cost much higher than securing separate insurance directly with brokers and insurance companies.


Ensuring that your insurance policies are separate from your loan could save you considerable sums of money in the long run, while still providing you with the coverage you need.


Clients deserve full disclosure and transparency in all their financial transactions, and it is the responsibility of banks to ensure this is always the case.


This is a serious issue that needs to be addressed in order to protect consumers and ensure fair treatment when it comes to insurance renewals.


Link: https://www.65ymas.com/economia/banca/tiron-orejas-europa-banca-malas-practicas-con-venta-seguros-vida_43954_102.html

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