C1 Broker - Insurance Broker in Spain Corretores de Seguros Versicherungsmakler
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Fleet insurance in Spain

Fleet Insurance in Spain? at C1 BROKER®, Insurance Brokerage we have solutions for your company

Fleet insurance for companies in SPAIN (cars, vans, trucks)

If you have a fleet of several vehicles (cars, vans, trucks , etc.) it is advisable to make a single policy for all your company cars . The fleet policy allows you to save money (since all your vehicles are negotiated and included in a single contract). At C1 Broker® , Insurance Brokerage we offer you insurance for your company’s fleet with all the guarantees and at the lowest possible price.

We work with the best insurance companies in the market ( Zurich, Liberty, Allianz, Axa, Mapfre, Reale, Caser, Mutua, Helvetia… ), to offer you the right products, guaranteeing your company the best quality fleet insurance at the lowest possible cost. With our fleet insurance, you can insure all the vehicles of your company jointly, and choose from third party coverage to the most comprehensive coverage of all risks.

Specialised insurance for your company's fleet in Spain

With our fleet insurance, you can insure all of your company’s vehicles together, and choose from third party cover to the most comprehensive all-risk cover.

If your company has more than 10 vehicles, then you are interested in fleet insurance. This is an insurance designed for companies that facilitates the bureaucratic management of the different policies, as it groups all vehicles under the same contract and reduces costs due to its competitive price.

At C1 Broker we have various protection solutions for your company’s fleet, so that you can always have peace of mind. In the event of an accident, you will have a personalised manager who will take care of claims management.

At C1 Broker we analyse and compare the fleet solutions of the main insurance companies in Spain to be able to offer you, in a neutral and professional way, an innovative and competitive insurance, oriented to the needs of your sector and the size of your company or business. These are some of the covers of the fleet product:

  • Compulsory and Supplementary Public Liability Cover.
  • Travel assistance cover
  • Replacement vehicle
  • Glass breakage cover
  • Theft cover 
  • Own damage, among others…

We have a wide range of insurance for companies, operating civil liability, activity civil liability, product civil liability, accidents at work and insurance for fleets of company vehicles, insurance for technology companies, life insurance for company directors, group health insurance.

Shall we talk? We will contact you to offer you the best fleet insurance.

Important information about Fleet Insurance in Spain

Yes, Motor Insurance, whether individual or fleet grouping, is compulsory by law, in relation to the Civil Liability cover up to a limit of 6,000,000 euros per accident.

Fleet Insurance offers your company a set of coverages, created with different safety needs in mind.
In addition to responding to the legal obligation to have a vehicle liability policy, it also offers the following coverage, which can be added to the basic coverage:

Occupants: Protection for the usual driver of the vehicle and all persons accompanying him/her. In other words, in the event of a traffic accident, the persons travelling in the insured vehicles are entitled to the following coverage
in the insured vehicles will be entitled to compensation for death or permanent disability, treatment costs and funeral expenses.

Travel assistance: Fleet insurance can include assistance to insured vehicles and occupants from kilometre zero, i.e. from the company’s door, within the contracted limits.

Legal protection: Legal support for the defence of the regular driver in criminal proceedings or claims for damages in the event of an accident;

Own damage: When contracted, this cover includes Impact, Collision and Overturning cover, fire, lightning, fire and lightning. Overturning, fire, lightning or explosion, theft or robbery, natural phenomena and acts of vandalism. 

Deprivation of use: For each day that the vehicle is not used as a consequence of an accident caused by one of the aforementioned situations and in order to minimise the inconvenience of being without the vehicle, you will receive a daily rate or be entitled to a replacement vehicle. This cover normally only applies to passenger cars and not to delivery vans.

New Replacement Value: This cover only applies to new passenger cars and during the first 2 years of age of the insured vehicles, counted from the date of the vehicle’s registration document;

Breakage of windows: Guarantees the replacement or repair of the windows of the vehicles in your fleet when they are broken, except as a consequence of a traffic accident. 

The amount of insurance depends on the number of vehicles in your company’s fleet, the class and use of the vehicles and the coverage options chosen. You can pay the value of your insurance annually, semi-annually, quarterly or monthly.

Most insurers update the value of your fleet insurance, at the time of contract renewal, after analysing the number of claims your company’s vehicles have had during the year.  C1 Broker can help you find the best solution for your fleet insurance in Spain, ask us for your simulation now!

Yes, you can, if the vehicle is registered in the name of the company.

You can include almost all types of vehicles as long as they are in the name (ownership) of your company:

  • Cars
  • Motorbikes
  • Vans
  • Trucks
  • Industrial vehicles 
  • Agricultural machinery

In fleet insurance, such as car insurance, several levels of cover can be taken out:

  • Compulsory Liability 
  • Supplementary Civil Liability 
  • Legal Defence and Claims for Damages 
  • Driver’s Insurance 
  • Travel Assistance in 2nd Category vehicles when the area of circulation is National. 
  • Extraordinary risks (personal and material damage) Claim to the Insurance Compensation Consortium for damage to the insured vehicle.
  • Breakage of Windscreens and Windows 
  • Fire of the vehicle
  • Theft of the vehicle
  • Theft of the entire vehicle
  • Own Damage with Excess

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